Men's Club - Brunch & Speaker
Sunday, April 7, 2024 • 28 Adar II 5784
9:00 AMSunday, April 7, at 9:30am for Food & 10:00am for Speaker
This is a free event sponsored by Men’s Club and RSVP is no longer required. Minyon attendance at 9:00am is encouraged.
Our April Men’s Club Brunch features Lawrence M. Noble, J.D.
Larry Noble currently teaches at American University Washington College of Law and is in private practice where he advises clients on matters related to the regulation of political activity. He will enlighten us on the many controversial activities surrounding the elections in 2024.
Until recently, voting for a candidate in a general election seemed simple. Just go to your assigned voting location, fill out a ballot and turn it in to one of the voting officials present. If you knew you couldn’t make it, apply for an absentee ballot, and follow instructions. Now there seems to be controversy at every stage. Terms such as election integrity, voter rights, rigging elections and voter suppression fill the airwaves as we head toward the general election in November. We will talk about them and have a Q&A at the end.
The event is free and in-person only (no Zoom or hybrid). Consult with the Har Shalom web/events page or Men’s Club and Synagogue E-Mails for updates.
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