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Men's Club

Jewish Guys Doin’ Good, Havin’ Fun!

Can we be Doin’ Good and Havin’ Fun at the same time?  Your Har Shalom Men’s Club thinks so. The Torah tells us to practice Tikun Olam or “fix the world”. Hence we have a commandment to follow. On the other hand, life is precious and we must enjoy it. To address both, the Men’s Club has developed programs and projects in many areas that are designed to help Har Shalom and our community, while allowing us to enjoy one another and make lasting friendships. The Men’s Club is one of over 270 clubs with over 25,000 members in conservative/Masorti synagogues around the world. We are dedicated to involving men in Jewish life through our social, educational, religious and civic activities.

Adult Kids Club

The Adult Kids Club is part of the Men’s Club. We are comprised primarily of guys who are over 50. Adult Kids Club events are open to all Har Shalom men and to guys who are prospective members. For the main part, we have dinners out monthly except for months in which a golf outing is planned. Sometimes we might also go to a movie. If you have ideas for other activities or would like to be on our mail list, please contact us at Participating in these events is just one way that your membership at Har Shalom becomes more meaningful.

Men’s Club Brunch Series

Come enjoy our Monthly Men’s Club Sunday Speaker Brunch series with great food prepared by The Kitchen Boys and great topics by celebrated guests. Join us for a delicious brunch, a chance to schmooze and an exciting program. Buffet opens at 9:15 am; follow by the main program at 10:15 am. Better yet, join the Minyan at 9 am in the chapel and sit at the reserved table afterwards.

Sukkah Kits Project

Information & Order Now for SUKKOT 5784
Order Deadline is Sept. 5th

Building the Har
 Shalom Sukkah and Selling Home Sukkah Kits. Every year Men’s Club builds the communal Har Shalom Sukkah. It is decorated by the Religious School and ECEC and used for many activities during Sukkot. The Men’s Club builds and provides home Sukkah Kits for Har Shalom members and other in the community. Easily assembled, the home Sukkahs provide a great place for families to celebrate Sukkot at home.


This group of Men’s Club members meet monthly to play cards, attend movies and go out with their wives. The group also has a book club that meets regularly. What a great way to get out of the house and social with other Jewish guys in the 30 to 50 plus age bracket.

Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam

Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam community service projects. The clubs support the Jewish community by delivering High Holy Day food packages to homes of Jewish families, leading Shabbat services the Passover Seder at a Senior living facilities and nursing homes. Men’s Club contributes to the George Mason Hillel to support their programs fighting campus anti-semitism and anti-Israel activities

World Wide Wrap

Men’s Club has received awards for its program with the Religious School, to introduce and teach all students in the school about Tefilin, during Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs World Wide Wrap event.

Purim Carnival

Men’s Club produces a great Purim Carnival every year for kids of all ages, including bounce toys, games, food and just a wonderful time for one and all.

Men’s Club Shabbat

Once a year Men’s Club takes over and leads the Shabbat Service at Har Shalom to show it’s solidarity to honor its members.

Yom HaShoah Memorial Candles

Men’s Club, assisted by the upper grades of the Religious  School, packages, packs and provides memorial candles to every Har Shalom family to honor those lost in the Shoah.

From these highlights, you can see that the Men’s Club will be very busy this year and in the coming years. We certainly expect to be Doin Good and Havin Fun! However, in order to succeed, we need your involvement and support. If you are already a member, jump in to help or lead one of our projects or events. Come to our monthly Board meetings, which are open to all members.  If you are not a member, please join in. You’ll make a lot of friends, have a lot of fun and, believe me, you won’t regret it. Contact us at 301 299-7087, ext 411, or by email at







All Events
  • Thursday ,
    AugAugust  15 , 2024
    Men's Club - Minyan & Poker: Full House Project

    Thursday, Aug 15th 7:30p to 10:00p
    Join us for evening Minyan, then stick around for Poker. All are invited. Mandatory Minyan - No J F Kards allowed.


  • Sunday ,
    AugAugust  18 , 2024
    Men's Club - BLT: Bagels, Lox, and Tefillin

    Sunday, Aug 18th 9:00a
    Join for morning minyan and a nosh with Men's Club!


  • Sunday ,
    SepSeptember  8 , 2024
    Joint Men's Club & Sisterhood Brunch & Speaker: Aimee Ginsburg Bikel

    Sunday, Sep 8th 9:00a to 11:30a
    Aimee Ginsburg Bikel Presents – The City of Lights: Stories and Music of Theodore Bikel (Co-Sponsored by Men’s Club, Sisterhood, and Har Shalom). Mrs. Bikel is conducting this special event that includes electronic versions of his music in honor of the 100th anniversary of Mr. Bikel’s birth. Theodore Bikel was an Austrian actor, folk singer, musician, composer, unionist, and political activist. He appeared in numerous films and is probably best known for playing Tevye in the Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof. He and Aimee wrote the book The City of Lights, which will be on sale for signing after the brunch. Click More Info to learn more about the book. The brunch is free and is open to all congregants and their guests. No RSVP is required.


  • Thursday ,
    SepSeptember  19 , 2024
    Men's Club - Minyan & Poker: Full House Project

    Thursday, Sep 19th 7:30p to 10:00p
    Join us for evening Minyan, then stick around for Poker. All are invited. Mandatory Minyan - No J F Kards allowed.


  • Sunday ,
    SepSeptember  22 , 2024
    Men's Club Brunch & Speaker: Judith Monachina

    Sunday, Sep 22nd 9:00a to 11:30a
    Judith Monachina, Author & Director, Housatonic Heritage Oral History Center at Berkshire Community College will discuss her book on “Italian Holocaust Survivors: “Days of Memory: Listening to Jewish Italians Who Lived Through Fascism and the Holocaust”. The book, just released in June, after 22 years of personal research, will be available for signing and sale. Be sure to click More Info to learn about this remarkable author and this book.


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  27 , 2024
    Men's Club Brunch & Speaker: CAMERA Sr. Analyst, Sean Durns

    Sunday, Oct 27th 9:00a to 11:30a
    Sean Durns is the Sr. Analyst for CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). He will give us an update on his organization’s efforts to combat false information and disinformation about Israel in the media. The Brunch is free and is open to CHS congregants and their guests. No RSVP needed.



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784