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Pesach 2023/5783

Scroll down to view the Pesach 2023/5783 schedule & resources, details on our Congregational Second Seder, information on the Pesach Pop-up Restaurant, and to register for Pesach Service Projects!

Schedule & Resources

Pesach Schedule

Candle Lighting and Service Times for The Week of Pesach 2023/5783

Tuesday, April 4*
        Bedikat Hametz (search for hametz)
Wednesday, April 5* – Fast of the first born;

                                                  candle lighting 7:18PM
        Fast begins, 5:26 AM
        Minyan followed by Siyum Bekhorim, 8:00AM
               (In person and Zoom)        
        The last time to eat hametz, 11:02AM
        The latest time to sell hametz, 12:07PM
        No Pesach Evening Services
        First Seder

Thursday, April 6 - Pesach, Day 1; candle lighting after 8:22PM
        Shaharit, 9:30AM (In person in the Cahan Sanctuary
            or LiveStream)
        Second Seder: no Ma’ariv - begin counting the Omer

            Join us for the Har Shalom Congregational Seder - Register Here! 
Friday, April 7 – Pesach, Day 2
        Shaharit, 9:30AM (In person in the Cahan Sanctuary
            or LiveStream)
        Shabbat candle lighting time before 7:20PM
        Kabbalat Shabbat/Ma'ariv, 6:30PM - Count the Omer
 Saturday, April 8 – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 3
        Shaharit, 9:30AM (In person or LiveStream)
        Shabbat ends 8:24PM
 Sunday, April 9* – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 4
        Shaharit, 9:00AM (In person in the Stein Family Chapel & Zoom)
        Traditional Evening Minyan, 7:30PM (Zoom)
Monday, April 10 – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 5
        Shaharit, 8:00AM (In person in the Stein Family Chapel & Zoom)
        No Contemplative Practice; In person Minyan, 7:45PM 
Tuesday, April 11* – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 6;
                                            candle lighting 7:23PM

        Shaharit, 8:00AM (Zoom)
        No Contemplative Practice
Wednesday April, 12* – Pesach Day 7;

                                                     candle lighting after 8:24PM
         Shaharit, 9:30AM (In person in the Cahan Sanctuary
             or LiveStream)           
 Thursday April, 13 – Pesach last day
         Shaharit, 9:30AM (In person or LiveStream
         No Ma’ariv service
         End of yom tov, 8:29PM


Click HERE for the
Passover Handbook and FAQ 

Click HERE for the Pesach Guide from the Rabbinical Assembly.

Click HERE for the
Hametz Agreement Form


Please click the image below to register for the
Har Shalom Community Second Seder!


Please click the image below to view the menu & pricing for the Pesach Pop-Up Restaurant!


Can't get enough CharBar?
Check out the Passover Catering Menu! Place your order HERE by March 26th for pickup at Har Shalom on April 5th. 

Pesach Service Projects 2023

Join the Har Shalom community for the B'nai Brith / JSSA Project HOPE Passover Project. This is a great way for volunteers of all ages to participate in a service project benefiting those in our community and help families celebrate Passover!

Questions? Contact Louis (

Scroll down to register

Please send checks for B'nai B'rith Project HOPE Passover Baskets to: ($36 fills one Passover Basket)
B'nai B'rith Project H.O.P.E.
PO Box 4488
Silver Spring, MD, 20914

Register below to deliver Passover Baskets to families across MoCo on Sunday, April 2 (10AM-1PM) .
Baskets will be available for pickup at Har Shalom - delivery schedule is flexible. Appropriate for volunteers of all ages, including families! (Register by March 24)

Will be used for confirmation and sharing further project details


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784